Product Details
Key Features
Famous Bikaneri hot and spicy extruded fried Indian snack
Trans fat free
Zero cholesterol
Trans fat free
Zero cholesterol
1 kg
Tepary Beans Flour, Edible Vegetable Oil (Cotton Seed, Corn & Palmolein Oil), Gram Pulse Flour, lodized Salt, *Spices & Condiments (Red Chilli Powder, Black Pepper Powder, Ginger Powder, Clove Powder, Mace Powder, Nutmeg Powder, and Cardamom Powder).
Shelf Life
5 months
Return Policy
This Item is non-returnable. For a damaged, defective, incorrect or expired item, you can request a replacement within 72 hours of delivery.
In case of an incorrect item, you may raise a replacement or return request only if the item is sealed/ unopened/ unused and in original condition.
In case of an incorrect item, you may raise a replacement or return request only if the item is sealed/ unopened/ unused and in original condition.
Expiry Date
Please refer to the packaging of the product for expiry date.
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